Enhance your asset management practices

Streamline operations, enhance maintenance practices, and drive operational excellence with Lagom.AM.

This cloud-based solution is designed to meet the unique challenges of managing and maintaining assets effectively. With intelligent automation, real-time visibility, and seamless integration, this cloud-based platform empowers you to optimise asset utilisation, improve maintenance practices, and enhance asset lifecycle management.

Enhance your asset management

Optimised Asset Performance and Reliability

Optimise asset performance and improve reliability with Lagom.AM. Our solution enables you to implement preventive and predictive maintenance strategies, monitor asset health in real time, and proactively address maintenance issues.

Improved Maintenance

Lagom.AM allows you to streamline your maintenance processes and improve efficiency. Implement best practices, automate maintenance workflows, and enable real-time visibility into maintenance data to save time. Your operational costs will be reduced with the introduction of streamlined processes and minimised paperwork, and optimised work order management.

Enhanced Asset Lifecycle Management

Gain comprehensive visibility into your assets throughout their lifecycle and make informed decisions. Lagom.AM provides powerful analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling you to track asset performance, monitor costs, and optimise asset lifecycle management. This empowers you to make data-driven decisions, extend asset lifespan, and maximise the value of your assets.

In one swift implementation, you will get:

Comprehensive Asset Tracking and Maintenance

Streamline your asset tracking and maintenance processes. Lagom.AM offers end-to-end visibility and control over your assets, enabling you to track asset location, manage maintenance schedules, and optimise maintenance activities. With real-time data and insights, you can minimise downtime, improve asset reliability, and extend asset lifespan.

Predictive Maintenance and Analytics

Leverage predictive maintenance capabilities to optimise maintenance practices and reduce costs. Lagom.AM offers advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict equipment failures, identify maintenance requirements, and schedule maintenance activities proactively. By implementing predictive maintenance strategies, you can optimise maintenance resources, minimise unplanned downtime, and improve asset performance.

Integration with IoT and Digital Twins

Harness the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital twins to gain real-time insights into asset performance. Lagom.AM seamlessly integrates with IoT sensors and digital twin models, enabling you to monitor asset condition, analyse performance data, and trigger maintenance actions automatically. This empowers you to optimize asset utilisation, reduce maintenance costs, and maximise the value of your assets.